And we met so many of our frens there! We've met Uncle D with Sparkie, and we met Luna & Bossa, and even Felio the GR! I so so so so lurrrrrrve the beach now!
Mom, can we move to Sentosa Cove???? Puhhhh-leeeeaase!!!
Me & Ninja patrolling the coasts together!!
We dunch swim together all the time, just to confuse the hoomans. Hee!
Ninja sticks to Daddy....bleeeah!
The boys play ball. This is the ball which got lost. Silly dunch u think?
The black dog is supposed to get the ball back.
Sometimes, he does.
Ninja: Dad, why did u throw the ball back?
Ninja: Its going further n further away...shd I chase???
When Im not chasing balls on the beach, I sniff around. I lurve the smell of sand and sea!!
Or I play frisbee with Daddy! I wait patiently...
Sometimes, we wait together...
We will Daddy to drop it. "Drop it!" Come'on "Drop it!"
When we finish playing, Ninja gets very very dirty! I'm not in this peekture cuz I'm not a dirty dawg like him. Eeeks!
And we break for lunch! OBJECT OF DESIRE!!! Wings!!!
The hoomans declare VICTORY!!
One of my favourites! Sparkie korkor!
The bugger: Wings for me? Anybody? Heelllooooo!
Pls ignore the bugger above. Feed ME!
Heeeelllloooo! Anybody? How abt me? Wings?
I so so so so lurrrrve this place! Its purrrrfect for a BC like me to bounce around!
I lurve the beach! Can we stay here Mom?
Look! There's some land there! How abt building a hse there Mom??