Mommy: A tired sleeping doggie is a GOOD doggie. Heehee.
This is moi sleeping on my ikea coolbed, and my big kiddy bolster. It's cold in the room, with air-con & all, so mommy wrapped me up like a popiah.
I like to have my favourite toys near me when I sleep. So when I wake up, the 1st thing I see is my toy! Then I can just play!
Sometimes, irritating pests disturb our beauty sleep. Like this brave mouse.
Cheezles, get off my neck!

You're breathing down my neck and thiiiis close to being chomped off. I warn u.
Sometimes, fat irritating creatures add on to the problem. Like this elephant here. No. Elie. I do not want to play. And get cheezles off my neck.
Sometimes, I fall asleep while watching TV too, just like my Daddy. But I'm smarter cuz I hold my remote tightly. Heehee.
I'm still watching the telly. I'm not sleeping. Really.
And then there're the times I fall asleep in the car after a long day out playing.

When I'm veerry veery tired, I just conked out on the bed with mommy. That's my FAVOURITE place to sleep!

Recently, the hoomans saw a cutie bed to match cutie moi, so they bought it for me! Now isn't that sweet? My very own strawberry bed!
I can curl up on my bed like a CAT! It fits me to a T!
And I lurrve the little strawberry that came with it!
Late at night, I sleep reeeal soundly in my new bed.