Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How does a corgi sleep?

Mommy says I'm the cutest when I'm sleeping! So she wantd me to post up some of my cutie peektures. Here goes....
Mommy: A tired sleeping doggie is a GOOD doggie. Heehee.

This is moi sleeping on my ikea coolbed, and my big kiddy bolster. It's cold in the room, with air-con & all, so mommy wrapped me up like a popiah.

I like to have my favourite toys near me when I sleep. So when I wake up, the 1st thing I see is my toy! Then I can just play!

Sometimes, irritating pests disturb our beauty sleep. Like this brave mouse.
Cheezles, get off my neck!

You're breathing down my neck and thiiiis close to being chomped off. I warn u.

Sometimes, fat irritating creatures add on to the problem. Like this elephant here. No. Elie. I do not want to play. And get cheezles off my neck.

Sometimes, I fall asleep while watching TV too, just like my Daddy. But I'm smarter cuz I hold my remote tightly. Heehee.

I'm still watching the telly. I'm not sleeping. Really.

And then there're the times I fall asleep in the car after a long day out playing.

When I'm veerry veery tired, I just conked out on the bed with mommy. That's my FAVOURITE place to sleep!

Recently, the hoomans saw a cutie bed to match cutie moi, so they bought it for me! Now isn't that sweet? My very own strawberry bed!

I can curl up on my bed like a CAT! It fits me to a T!

And I lurrve the little strawberry that came with it!

Late at night, I sleep reeeal soundly in my new bed.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Swimming @ Mutts & Mittens

On Sunday after doggie class, me Momo & Tristan stayed back with our mommies while the rest of our classmates go home. For a while, I thot we were having detention becuz we were toooo notti in class! Hehe... Then the hoomans started discussing abt towels, routes, meeting plans, time to meet, blah blah blah.....all sounding like an excursion. Heck, I don't care! Us pups just played on..... we then drove off separately on our little doggie wheels.

An hour later, we met at this new place!!! (I like new places, they're usually fun!) I heard many many many doggie-barks!! And I saw Kingsley the famous Border Collie!! (My mommy's a fan of his brog) Then I was led innocently with Momo & Tristan to..........the swimming pool!!!! Shucks, we got cheated!!

Mommy threw me right into this Big Pool!
(Mommy: its not that big. Stop being a drama-queen!)

Ok, I'm reaching shore soon. I did many many laps already, take a break?

Shucks! My little paws can't reach! Mom, I need some help here!

Daddy takes his shift to swim with me. How come nobody takes my shift to swim with Daddy???

Daddy, I wan huggy! I don't wanna swim!

To the shore!! *pantpant*

I am not going down. If u pull, I'm gonna do my 4paw brake here.

Read my lips. I am NOT going down.

Mommy, save me???

Ok, I am a statue. Just ignore me. There's no doggy here.

Let me introduce a new fren to u all. Here's Momotaro, he is Tristan's older brudder by a few mins and he's in the same class as us. That's his mommy, the pweeetty Aunt Yuki!

The hoomans decided to use me as a bait to get Momo into the water. They go....NananiBooboo (How childish!)

What they didn't know: Momo can swim very well! He can turn like a dolphin!!

Soon, we were playing hide-n-seek in the pool & this is moi running away from Momo. I'm at a disadvantage! I got shorter paws and so they make smaller paddles!! Next round, I'm gonna bring my scuba fins!!!

We take a break in the shade. Sorry Daddy, the shade's not big enuff to share with u. Heehee.

Little Tristan doesn't seem to like water...heehee....

He takes a looooonnng suspiscious sniff at it...

Then he was Caught by his mommy! Hiaks!

Momo was sent to get Tristan, his younger brudder.

Meanwhile, I worked reeaaal hard to keep in shape. See my muscles?!?!

After a loooonng swim, we have a tired Daddy..... (heehee, he's lousy too rite?)

....and a tired doggie.......where's my iced-Pocari??

Run away!! Aawwww, I much prefer suntan to swimming!

No! I'm tired! I'm not swimming anymore! Enuff is enuff!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Learning how to stand?

This is to record down what a teeeedious exercise regime I have, in my pooor corgi life! Hmpf! Mommy says I have to learn how to stand properly so she can correct my crooked back! I don't get it!! Why should I learn how to stand when I already know how to stand like a good corgi should. I'm not a kiddy 2week old pup!

My hoomans caught me 1 fine afternoon and made me stand like a guard-dog on 2 pretty stools.

And the worst part?! They put my nappy bolster on my back, just to prove that it wasn't straight! Duh! Hoomans! I think it's already quite straight!

And they had fun by making poor moi balance my bolster, hmpf!!

Mr Bunny joined in the fun as well. Hey, I'm no horsey!!

Mr Bunny: Can I take a nap here? Hee...

Don't sleep on me, stoopid bunny!!

Mr Bunny: Hey, did u bath? U have a....farnie...smell...u noe?

Bunny, I warn u...stop sniffing my butt!! When I finish my standing exercise, I'm gonna get u!!!

Mommy, can I come down nw? Pleeease? My back is straight as a hotdog now!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Thank u, Aunt Yuki

Thank u, Aunt Yuki!!
This is a present from Aunt Yuki. It's a bottle of Neem Oil, heard that it is good to prevent fleas & ticks from coming onto my fur. Momo-taro uses this & no ticky-ticks fly onto him.
Btw, Aunt Yuki is Momo-taro's mommy, she's the hooman-Yuki whereas I'm the doggie-Yuki. We have 1 similarity, that is we are both VERY PRETTY!!! Heeheehee.....

Mommy: Yuki, ur soooo thick-skin! *Faint*

Sunday, July 6, 2008


What do puppies do when they're bored & waiting for the exciting agility trials?

I use my corgi jaws!!

And then my corgi-curl-like-cat stance!

Ok, so what if Tristan's got bigger paws? I use corgi-push!

Mommy: Yuki!! Be gentle!!

Tristan & me doing a neck-tie!
(Necktie = he bite my neck, I bite his neck! Hiaks!)

Take a breather!


Mommy: Ok, boys & girls! Break it up!

Make a wild guess what the following videoclip features. It's a short 3sec snap, dont play cheat by replaying....